We are the perfect advertisement platform
This is one of the best ways to promote
your products to foreigners in China
You can promote to visitors of our website through this advertising system. Yesterday, foreigners candidates viewed the promotions 3757 times. The highest expense was 400RMB, and the lowest expense was only 400RMB
Paid 400RMB
You simply need to have your banner ready and set a bidding price for your ad. The system will bid every day at 00:00 (midnight ), the highest three bids will get the advertising slots of the day.
You can promote to the employers who visit our website through this advertising system. Yesterday, promotions was viewed 0 times by the employers. The highest expense was 0 RMB; and the lowest expense was 0 RMB.
You simply need to have your banner ready and set a bidding price for your ad. The system will bid every day at 00:00 (midnight ). The highest three bids will get the advertising slots of the day.
Your advertisement will be displayed on all our Internet products
Now registration top-up and top-up 1000 send 500 and other large top-up discount activities
What are you waiting for? Click the button below to register now!