Advertising Promotion Service Contract of HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.

一. 定义及解释
I. Definition and Interpretation

1. 深圳市四海汇聚科技有限公司:以下简称“HiredChina”或“甲方”。

“HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.”, hereafter referred to as “HiredChina” or “Party A”.

2. 客户:指符合甲方推广条件、按本合同规定的条件并已通过其代理商或直接向甲方支付推广费,使用“广告推广服务”的单位或个人(以下简称“乙方”)。

“Client” means the units or individuals (hereafter referred to as “Party B”) that meet party A’s promotion conditions, have, directly or through their agents, paid party A promotion fee and use the “Advertising Promotion Service” based on the conditions stipulated in this contract.

3. “网络推广服务”:指已经开通和陆续开通的在www.guideinchina.com网站及该wap网站、guideinchina提供技术支持的联盟网站或应用程序等相关页面的特定位置展示乙方的广告图片信息的技术服务。

“Online Promotion Service” means the opened and continuously opened technical service that demonstrate party B’s advertising image information on certain positions on the www.guideinchina.com website and its wap website, guideinchina will provide technical support to the affiliated sites or applications and other relevant pages of the specific location of the display of Party B's advertising image information technical services.

4. 广告图片:乙方在guideinchina平台上进行产品推广的图片,点击后可以跳转到乙方的网站。图片信息不可包含二维码,网站地址,只能是产品信息。该广告图片由乙方自行设计。

“Advertising Image” means the image set by party B on guideinchina’s platform for product promotion, by clicking them, user could jump to party B’s website. The image information may not include QR code or website address but may include related product information, etc. Such advertising image shall be designed by party B on its own.

5. “推广费”:指乙方为购买甲方推广服务,在甲方预存的支付将来发生的费用,又称“推广预付款”。“推广预付款”具体数额以甲方推广服务订单为准。

“Promotion Fee” means the fee that party B deposits in advance at party A to pay for expenses to occur in the future to purchase promotion service from party A, it is also referred to as “Advance Payment for Promotion”. The specific amount of “Advance Payment for Promotion” shall be in accordance with that in the order of party A’s promotion service.

6. “推广费”的续费:指乙方为继续使用“网站推广服务” ,在支付前一款规定的首次“推广费”后,后续向甲方支付且甲方也同意收取的推广预付款,又称“续费”。每笔续费金额最低壹佰元整(小写:RMB 100,但甲方有权依地区差异调整),不设上限。

“Renewal of ‘Promotion Fee’” means the advance payment for promotion that party B subsequently pays to party A and party A also agrees to receive after the payment of first “Promotion Fee” mentioned in previous clause in order to continuously use the “Website Promotion Service”, also referred to as “Renewal”. Each sum of renewal shall be no less than RMB One Hundred (figure: RMB 100, but party A shall have the right to adjust it based on regional differences), and no upper limit is set.

7. “点击计费”:指在www.guideinchina.com 网站及其wap网站,网民每点击一次乙方注册的推广信息,系统根据乙方为推广信息所设定的价格,自动从乙方的“推广预付款”中扣除一次点击费用。

“Pay Per Click” means that on the www.guideinchina.com website and its wap website, every time a netizen clicks the promotional information registered by party B, the system would, based on the price set by party B for promoting information, automatically deduct the fee for each individual click from the “Advance Payment for Promotion” of party B.

二. 合同的确认与接受
II. Confirmation and Acceptance of Contract

1. 乙方必须完全同意甲方在http://www.guideinchina.com上公布的《深圳市四海汇聚科技有限公司广告推广服务合同》(即“本合同”及其后续更新版本)全部条款,自行或授权其代理商完成注册程序,乙方使用 “广告推广服务”的行为将视为乙方对本合同全部内容和条款的接受。如乙方不接受本合同的,须停止使用相关服务,否则视为乙方默认同意本合同。

Party B must completely agree to the entire clauses of the "Advertising Promotion Service Contract of HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.” (meaning “This Contract” and its subsequent updated editions) released by party A on http://www.guideinchina.com, complete the registration procedure on its own or by authorizing its agents, party B’s use of “Advertising Promotion Service” shall be deemed as party B’s acceptance of the entire contents and clauses in this contract. If party B doesn’t accept this contract, it shall stop using the related service, or else party B shall be deemed as consenting to this contract by default.

2. 乙方与甲方签订的网络推广服务订单与甲方在http://www.guideinchina.com上公布的《深圳市四海汇聚科技有限公司广告推广服务合同》有不一致之处的,以《深圳市四海汇聚科技有限公司广告推广服务合同》为准。

Any and all inconsistencies between the order of online promotion services signed between party B and party A and the "Advertising Promotion Service Contract of HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.” released by party A on http://www.guideinchina.com shall be in accordance with the "Advertising Promotion Service Contract of HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.”

三. 推广服务的内容
III. Contents of Promotion Service

1. 乙方向甲方申请一个推广服务管理账号,乙方可以根据其注册用户名和密码,登陆ad.guideinchina.com管理账号,修改账号内的注册信息,注册、修改或删除广告图片和网站推广信息,查询乙方注册的广告图片点击量统计报告、费用统计报告、查询甲方的推广政策等等。

Party B shall apply to party A for a management account number for promotion services, party B may, based on its registered user name and password, log on to the administrative account of ad.guideinchina.com, modify the registration information in such account, register, modify or delete advertising images and website promotion information, inquire the statistic report of advertising image clicking volume registered by party B, statistic report of fees, inquire the promotion policy of party A, etc.

2. 乙方推广的网站信息将依据乙方在guideinchina网站内推广服务管理账号内的设置并通过系统自动过滤后出现在www.guideinchina.com网站及其wap网站。乙方在网站上线推广后,不得通过修改网站内容、设置网站跳转、设置恶意代码、设置病毒等任何方式展现违反现行法律法规以及甲方推广产品政策的内容。若乙方从事上述行为,甲方有权立即终止本合同,并不退还乙方“推广费”余额。

The website information promoted by party B will, based on the settings by party B in the promotion service administrative account of the guideinchina website and through the automatic filtering system, appear on the www.guideinchina.com website and its wap website. After starting the promotion on pary A’s website, party B shall not show any content that violates the existing laws, regulation and party A’s product promotion policy by any means, including modification of website content, setting a website jump, adding malicious code, set a virus, etc. If party B engages in any of the behaviors mentioned above, party A shall have the right to immediately terminate this contract without refunding the balance of “Promotion Fee” to party B.

3. 本合同项下的计费方式是以点击计费为基础的综合计费方式。乙方注册的所有广告图片指向的参与网络推广服务的所有推广页面都予以计费,而不只是针对乙方推广网站的首页进行计费。推广服务费用将直接自动从网络推广服务管理账户中直接扣除。

The charging method under this contract shall be the comprehensive charging method based on click volume. All the promotion pages participating in online promotion services pointed to by all the advertising images registered by party B shall be charged rather than just charging the first page of party B’s promotion website. Promotion service fees will be directly and automatically deducted from the administrative account of online promotion service.

4. 乙方支付“推广费”的行为并不保证乙方注册的广告图片以及乙方注册的网站推广信息一定能成功地在HiredChina网站进行推广或在特定位置或特定时间展现。如果乙方注册的广告图片或其他信息不符合本合同、相关法律法规或甲方相关政策(包括但不限于乙方注册网站不具备合法资质、乙方不具备从事其推广行业、产品和服务的特殊资质或相关信息涉嫌违法或侵犯第三人合法权益的)、或乙方未按照甲方推广政策及信誉政策进行以年度为单位的实名认证资质信息核查,甲方有权拒绝向乙方提供“网络推广服务”或调整乙方推广信息的展现位置和展现时间。在乙方向甲方发出终止“网络推广服务”的书面确认函件且按甲方要求返还相应发票及合同原件等文件后,甲方在扣除赠送的“推广费”后向乙方退还已收取的推广预付款,本合同终止(本合同另有约定的除外)。

Party B’s behavior of paying “Promotion Fee” will not guarantee that the advertising images registered by party B and website promotion information registered by party B would be certainly and successfully promoted on HiredChina website or shown at specific position or in specific times. If any advertising image or other information registered by party B fails to meet this contract, related laws and regulations, or the related policy of party A (including but not limited to that the registered website of party B doesn’t have legal qualifications, party B doesn’t have the special qualifications for engaging in its promoted industry, product or service, or any related information is suspected of breaking law or infringing lawful rights or interests of a third party), or party B fails to, based on party A’s promotion policy and reputation policy, implement the audit of qualification information for real name authentication on annual basis, party A shall have the right to refuse to provide party B with “Online Promotion Service” or adjust the demonstrating position and demonstrating time of party B’s promotion information. After party B sends to party A a written confirmation letter for termination of “Online Promotion Service” and returns the related original invoices and contracts or other related documents as required by party A, party A shall refund the charged advance payment for promotion after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”, then this contract shall be terminated (Unless otherwise agreed in this contract).

5. 乙方的“推广预付款”消费完毕后可在平台上自行选择是否续费。甲方有权自行决定是否接受乙方续费及是否终止向乙方提供推广服务。

After completely consuming the “Advance Payment for Promotion”, party B may choose on the platform to renew the payment. Party A shall, at its own discretion, decide to accept party B’s renewal or to terminate the provision of promotion services to party B.

6. 当乙方在HiredChina及其Wap网站推广服务管理账号内余额不足以支付网络推广服务费用时,乙方或其代理商可以及时向甲方续费,如因乙方或其代理商没有及时续费造成乙方广告图片下线从而导致其网络推广服务终止,甲方不承担任何责任。

When party B’s balance in the administrative account of the promotion service account on HiredChina and its Wap website is not enough to pay the cost of the advertising services, party B or its agent may renew with party A, if party B’s advertising image is removed from website or cause termination of its online promotion service because party B or its agent fails to renew in a timely manner, party A shall not bear any liability.

7. 乙方的每次续费视为双方达成了一个新的合同。任何一方均有权以拒绝续费/接受续费的方式终止双方的合作。

Each renewal by Party B shall be deemed that the two parties have reached a new contract. Either party shall have the right to terminate the cooperation between the two parties in the form of rejecting renewal/accepting renewal.

四. 付款
IV. Payment

1. 乙方或其代理商需按照甲方认可的方式,在平台自行进行推广费的充值,每次充值即视为同意本合同所规定的条款和义务。

Party B or its agent shall, based on the method consented by party A, charge promotion fee on the platform on its own, each charging shall be deemed as that party B consents the clauses and obligations stipulated in this contract.

2. 甲方有权根据实际情况随时调整“网络推广服务”的“推广费”的标准和费用支付方式,但调整前乙方已经支付(无论自行或由其代理商支付)的“推广费”不受影响。

Party A shall have the right to, based on actual circumstance, adjust the standard and fee payment method of the “Promotion Fee” of “Online Promotion Service” at any time, but the “Promotion Fee” that has been paid (payment made by themselves or by their agents) by party B before such adjustment shall not be affected.

五. 甲方的权利和义务
V. Party A’s Rights and Obligations

1. 为履行本合同,甲方有权在甲方的服务器上保存乙方的信息(包括但不限于乙方的注册信息、消费信息、推广网站/网页、信誉等级信息、网民评价信息等);甲方在法律法规所允许的范围内,有权使用和对外披露乙方信息,包括但不限于为甲方的推广服务系统升级、抽样测试、更新的目的,出于保护网民权益提升互联网诚信环境的目的、依据司法和/或行政的要求使用或披露乙方信息。

For the purpose of performing this contract, party A shall have the right to preserve party B’s information (including but not limited to party B’s registration information, consumption information, promotion website/webpage, reputation rating information, netizen comment information, etc.) on party A’s server; within the scope allowed by laws and regulations, party A shall have the right to use and disclose party B’s information, including but not limited to using or disclosing party B’s information for the purpose of upgrading party A’s promotion service system, sampling test, updating, for the purpose of protecting netizens’ rights and interests, or enhancing the honesty environment of internet, or based on the judicial and/or administrative requirements.

2. 甲方不向其他任何第三方保证和承诺乙方网页和信息的真实性、合法性、准确性和完整性,乙方自行对其网站提供的内容、产品、服务等承担全部责任。

Party A shall not guarantee or commit the authenticity, legality, accuracy and completeness of party B’s website and information to any third party, party B shall independently undertake full responsibility for the contents, products, services, etc. provided on its website.

3. 如乙方若未通过甲方的首次认证或年度认证审查,甲方均有权不经通知直接终止本合同并在扣除赠送的“推广费”后退还未消费完毕的“推广费”余额。

If party B fails to pass party A’s first authentication or annual authentication review, party A shall have the right to directly terminate this contract without notice or refund of the unconsumed balance of the “Promotion Fee” after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”.

4. 甲方有权随时删除含有任何危害国家安全、淫秽色情、虚假、侮辱、诽谤、恐吓或骚扰、侵犯他人版权或人身权或其他合法权益等违法或有违社会公序良俗的内容,并对乙方注册的全部广告图片或推广的网站信息予以下线,乙方已支付的“网络推广费”将不予退还。 

Party A shall have the right to delete any and all content that involves harm to national security, obscenity, false information, insult, slander, intimidation or harassment, infringement to other’s copyright or personal rights or other legal rights and interests, breach of law, or violation of public order and good custom, and remove all the advertising images registered by party B, or website information promoted by party B, and the “Online Promotion Fee” paid by party B shall not be refunded.

5. 对于乙方注册的广告图片及网站信息,甲方推广系统将进行自动过滤。甲方有权根据中国法律法规的调整、行政执法机关的命令和社会伦理道德的变化相应调整系统自动过滤标准,乙方不得以“类似广告图片及推广的网站信息以前曾允许推广”的理由要求甲方继续推广;甲方有权根据相关法律法规要求及产品政策或服务功能拒绝乙方注册的广告图片或网站信息,乙方不得以类似“广告图片及网站信息以前曾允许推广”的理由要求甲方继续上线通过。如系前述原因导致乙方的广告图片或网站信息无法注册或再次进行推广的,该广告图片或网站信息被甲方拒绝或被下线,乙方有权通知甲方停止“网络推广服务”,甲方在扣除赠送的“推广费”向乙方退还其未消费完毕的“推广费”余额。

As for the advertising images and website information registered by party B, party A’s promotion system will implement automatic filtering. Party A shall have the right to adjust the automatic filtering standard of the system based on any adjustment of Chinese laws and regulations, order of administrative or law enforcement institutions, or change of social ethics and morality, and party B shall not require party A to continue to promote in the excuse that “similar advertising images or promoted website information were allowed to promote before”; party A shall have the right to, according to the requirements of related laws and regulations and product policy or service function, deny certain advertising images or website information registered by party B, party B shall not require party A to continuously pass and approve the promotion in the excuse that similar “advertising images and website information were allowed to promote before”. If any of the causes mentioned above cause party B’s advertising images or website information unable to be registered or promoted again, such advertising images or website information are rejected or removed by party A, party B shall have the right to notify party A to stop the “Online Promotion Service”, party A shall refund the unconsumed balance of “Promotion Fee” after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”.

6. 如乙方网站因存在假冒、欺诈、相关信息涉嫌违法等行为并由此导致与其发生交易的网民遭受经济损失,甲方在向投诉网民支付一定金额的保障金后, 有权从乙方的“推广费”中直接扣除相应金额;如乙方“推广费”不足扣除的,甲方保留向乙方追偿的权利。

Such as the existence of counterfeit, fraud, related information suspected of illegal acts such as B and the resulting transactions with Internet users suffered economic losses, after paying the complaining Internet user a certain amount of guarantee money, party A shall have the right to directly deduct the related amount from party B’s “Promotion Fee”; if party B’s “Promotion Fee” is insufficient for deduction, party A shall reserve the right to claim from party B.

7. 乙方(包括但不限于乙方网站及乙方所从事的经营业务)不得对甲方及甲方关联公司的利益、商誉和品牌形象造成任何现实或潜在的损害或冲突,否则甲方有权通知乙方立即终止“网络推广服务”,并不退还其未消费完毕的“推广费”余额,且甲方无需承担其他法律责任和费用补偿。 给甲方或甲方关联公司造成损害的,乙方应当赔偿损失。

Party B(including but not limited to party B’s website and the operational business engaged in by party B) shall not cause any actual or potential damage or conflict to the interest, goodwill or brand image of party A and party A’s affiliated companies, or else party A shall have the right to notify party B to immediately terminate “Online Promotion Service” without refunding its unconsumed balance of “Promotion Fee”, and party A will not need to undertake other legal liabilities and compensation of fees. If it causes any damage to party A or party A’s affiliated companies, party B shall compensate such loss.

8. 甲方如遭受不可抗力事件(包括但不限于政府管制、政策调整、恐怖主义、黑客攻击、自然灾害、劳动条件、停电、电信部门技术调整以及病毒入侵等),有权通知乙方暂停或终止“网络推广服务”,不视为违约。甲方暂停“网络推广服务”的,在不可抗力事件影响结束后,应当继续按本合同履行其义务;甲方终止网络推广服务的,扣除赠送的“推广费”后应当退还乙方未消费完毕的“推广费”的余额。 

Party A shall have the right to notify Party B of the suspension or termination of the network if it is subjected to force majeure (including but not limited to government regulation, policy adjustment, terrorism, hacker attacks, natural disasters, working conditions, power outages, technical adjustments in the telecommunications sector, and virus intrusion) Promotion services ", not as a breach of contract. Party A to suspend the "network extension service", after the impact of the event of force majeure, party A shall continue to perform its obligations based on this contract; if party A terminates online promotion service, party A shall refund the balance of unconsumed “Promotion Fee” to party B after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”.


Party A reserves the right to make business adjustment and product adjustment (including but not limited to client qualification standard, authentication standard, sales policy, demonstration mechanism, charging standard, etc.) on “Online Promotion Service”, after party A notifies party B, party B may choose to continue to use the adjusted business or product, or terminate the online promotion service, party A shall refund the balance of its unused “Promotion Fee” after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”, party A shall not need to undertake other legal liabilities or compensation of fees.

10. 甲方有权对乙方因违反国家法律、法规、甲方审核政策、甲方信誉政策的客户执行惩罚策略(包括但不限于推广成本提升、限制推广信息展现位置及时间、立即中止或终止推广服务并不予退款),乙方应在甲方客户后台账户中查看详细规则。

Party A shall have the right to implement punitive strategy (including but not limited to increase of promotion cost, restriction on demonstrating position and time of promotion information, immediate suspension or termination of promotion service without refunding) on party B for breach of national laws, regulations, party A’s review policy, and party A’s reputation policy, party B shall review the detailed rules in the account management system of party A.

11. 乙方有义务自行或委托其代理商对其推广账户进行有效管理,在推广网站上线后,乙方未进行加款、未申请退款或者未产生任何消费的情况持续超过1年的,甲方有权在超过1年的当月删除其服务账户。

Party B shall be obliged to independently or entrust its agent to effectively manage its promotion account, after the promotion website is released online, if party B fails to make additional payment, fails to apply for refund or has not produced any consumption for over 1 year, party A shall have the right to cancel its service account after exceeding one year.

六. 乙方的权利和义务
VI. Party B’s Rights and Obligations

1. 乙方保证其系符合中华人民共和国法律法规的合法经营主体并已取得经营相关业务的合法资质。甲方有权对其主体资质真实性进行核查,乙方拒绝核查或甲方有理由怀疑其真实合法性的,甲方有权拒绝为其提供服务。

Party B guarantees that it is a legal operating entity that meets the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China and has obtained the legal qualifications for operating the related businesses. Party A shall have the right to verify the authenticity of its entity qualifications, if party B refuses to accept such verification or party A has reason to suspect its legal status, party A shall have the right to refuse to provide party B with service.

2. 乙方保证按照甲方的要求提供资质材料,申请并接受甲方对资质真实性的年度实名认证审查,并履行相关手续(包括提交资质文件、接受资质文件审查),否则甲方有权停止提供“网络推广服务”。若乙方提交虚假的资质材料,无权要求甲方退还其未消费完毕的“推广费”余额,且甲方无需承担其他法律责任和费用补偿。

Party B guarantees it will provide qualification materials as required by party A, apply for and accept party A’s annual real-name certification review on the authenticity of its qualifications, and perform the related procedures (including submitting qualification documents, accepting review of qualification documents), or else party A shall have the right to suspend the provision of “Online Promotion Service”. If party B provides any false qualification materials, party B shall have no right to require party A to refund the balance of its unused “Promotion Fee”, and party A will not need to undertake other legal liabilities and compensation of fees.

3. 乙方需对推广账户的用户名和密码的安全性负责,不能向任何人透露推广帐户用户名和密码。没有甲方的书面授权,客户不得将甲方为客户开通的服务账号及甲方在本合同下承诺向客户提供的服务及相关资源转卖、出租、出借给任何第三方。若客户违反该规定,甲方将保留关闭客户服务账号及终止向客户提供服务的权利。同时,对客户支付的服务费用甲方将不予退还或部分退还。

Party B shall be responsible for the safety of the user name and password of its promotion account, and shall not disclose the user name and password of the promotion account to anyone. Without written authorization from party A, the client shall not resell, lease or lend the service account that party A opens for the client and the service and resources that party A commits to provide to client under this contract to any third party. If the client violates such regulation, party A reserves the right to close the client’s service account and terminate the provision of service to such client. Meanwhile, Party A will not be refunded or partially refunded for the service fee paid by the customer.

4. 乙方保证对通过甲方进行推广的网站为合法设立且具备合法资质,乙方对该网站拥有合法权利,同时该网站必须存在一定有益的实质内容且与乙方注册的广告图片有实质关联性,否则甲方有权将与乙方网站内容无关联性的广告图片予以下线或终止乙方网站的“网络推广服务”,在扣除赠送的“推广费”后并退还乙方未消费完毕的“推广费”余额,而无需承担其他法律责任和费用补偿。

Party B guarantees that the website promoted through party A was legally established and has legal qualifications, party B has legal rights over such website, meanwhile, such website must have certain substantial contents and have actual correlation with the advertising images registered by party B, or else party A shall have the right to remove the advertising images without correlation with the contents of party B’s website, or terminate the “Online Promotion Service” of party B’s website, refund the balance of unconsumed “Promotion Fee” to party B after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”, and shall have no need to undertake other legal liabilities and compensation of fees.

5. 乙方保证通过guideinchina(包括网站或应用程序)链接推广的信息不含有任何违反国家有关法律、法规及中华人民共和国承认或加入的国际条约的内容,包括但不限于危害国家安全、淫秽色情、虚假、侮辱、诽谤、恐吓或骚扰、侵犯他人知识产权、人身权或其他合法权益以及有违社会公序良俗的内容或指向这些内容的链接。

Party B guarantees that the information promoted through the link of guideinchina (including website or application program) doesn’t contain any content that may break the related laws and regulations of the state or the content of any international convention that is acknowledged or joined by the People’s Republic of China, including content that involve harm to national security, obscenity, false information, insult, slander, intimidation or harassment, infringement to other’s copyright or personal right or other legal rights and interests, or violation of public order and good custom, or links pointing to such contents.

6. 乙方须保证其注册推广的url可以打开,否则甲方有权在发现url地址无法打开后对其对应的推广内容进行下线。乙方同意,甲方推广系统可以不定期对客户注册的url进行连通性测试,如果系统判断url无法打开,该url对应的推广将会暂时下线。乙方保证其或通过其代理人注册的网站信息的过程中不会恶意逃避甲方推广系统规则,不会以注册超量数据、隐藏程序等方式攻击或意图攻击甲方推广系统。

Party B shall guarantee its registered and promoted url can be opened, or else party A shall have the right to remove its corresponding contents promoted after finding that the url address is unable to be opened. Party B agrees that party A’s promotion system may implement connectivity tests on the url registered by client, if the system judges that url couldn’t be opened, the promotion corresponding to such url will be temporarily removed. Party B guarantees that during the process of registering website information by itself or through its agent, they would not maliciously avoid party A’s promotion system rules, and would not attack or intend to attack party A’s promotion system in the form of registering excessive data, hiding program, etc.

7. 乙方保证通过guideinchina(包括网站或应用程序)链接推广的信息符合所有相关法律法规的要求、真实、准确、及时、详尽和完整并与相关情况一致,同意接受甲方以电话、邮件或上门拜访等方式确认与“网络推广服务”的相关事宜。 

Party B guarantees that the information promoted through guideinchina (including website and application program) link meet all the requirements of the related laws and regulations, authentic, accurate, timely, comprehensive, complete and consistent with the related circumstances, party B agrees to accept party A’s confirmation of matters related to “Online Promotion Service” in form of telephone, email or personal visit.

8. 乙方应当保证其账户等财务信息的真实性并与推广网站的所有人及甲方网络推广服务合同签约主体保持一致,如因乙方提供的财务信息虚假或者不一致,导致的财务风险由乙方承担,甲方不承担任何责任,由此给甲方造成损失的,乙方应当予以赔偿。

Party B shall guarantee the authenticity of its account and other financial information, and shall be consistent with the owner of promoting website and the signing party of party A’s online promotion service contract, any and all financial risks incurred from fake financial information or inconsistent financial information shall be borne by party B, party A shall not bear any liability, in case of any loss caused to party A hereof, party B shall make compensation.

9. 乙方尚未开通的网站将不能使用“网络推广服务”,乙方必须保证提供的网址正确、网站或网页可以正常访问,网站内信息、网站服务或其它网站功能可以正常使用,不能正常访问的网站,甲方有权暂时中止服务,直至乙方恢复该网站的正常访问,但因乙方网站或网页不能正常访问而产生的点击计费等后果由乙方自行承担。乙方保证其推广的网站信息和网站不含有病毒、恶意软件等对互联网有不安全影响、或任何损害甲方或网民的内容,否则甲方有权立即停止其推广。 

Party B shall not use “Online Promotion Service” for the website that hasn’t been opened yet, party B must guarantee that the website address provided is correct, and the website or webpage could be normally visited, and the website services or other website functions could be normally used, for website that couldn’t be normally visited, party A shall have the right to temporarily suspend service until party B recovers access to the website, but any and all consequences caused from party B’s website or webpage’s inability to be normally visited, such as clicking charging, shall be borne by party B on its own. Party B guarantees that its promoted website information and website do not contain any virus, malicious software or other contents that have unsafe influence on internet or damage party A or netizens, or else party A shall have the right to stop its promotion.

10. 网络推广服务仅对乙方网站进行链接,乙方的任何商业行为所引起的一切法律纠纷由乙方自行承担,与甲方无关。

The online promotion service only includes linking to party B’s website, any and all legal disputes incurred from any commercial behavior of party B shall be borne by party B on its own and have nothing to do with party A.

11. 乙方不得以任何方式对其他网络推广服务客户的付费条目进行恶意点击。若乙方认为甲方提供的数据统计报告不准确的,乙方有权书面通知甲方停止“网络推广服务”,甲方在收到乙方书面通知之日起三(3)个工作日内停止对乙方的推广服务,甲方扣除赠送的“推广费”后并向乙方退还其未消费完毕的“推广费”余额,本合同终止。若乙方认为甲方提供的数据统计报告不准确但未书面通知甲方要求停止“网络推广服务”的或者向甲方续费继续使用“网络推广服务”的,视为乙方认可甲方的数据统计报告。

Party B shall not, in any way, make malicious clicks on the payment items of other network extension service customers. If Party B considers that the statistical report provided by Party A is inaccurate, Party B shall have the right to notify Party A to terminate the "Internet Promotion Service" in writing, and Party A shall stop Party B’s service within three (3) working days upon receipt of Party B's written notice, party A shall refund the balance of any unconsumed “Promotion Fee” to party B after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”, and then this contract shall be terminated. If party B believes that the statistic data report provided by party A is inaccurate, but it doesn’t send a written notice to party A and require termination of “Online Promotion Service”, or renew the use of “Online Promotion Service” to party A, party B shall be deemed as consenting to party A’s statistic data report.

12. 乙方对其在网络推广服务注册的用户名和密码的安全性负全部责任,并对以其用户名进行的所有活动和事件负全部责任,乙方若发现任何非法使用“网络推广服务”管理账号或存在安全漏洞的情况,应立即通知甲方。 

Party B shall take full responsibility for the user name and password that it registeres on the online promotion service, and shall take full responsibility for all the activities and events made under the registered user name, if party B finds any illegal use of the administrative account of “Online Promotion Service”, or has any situation of safety loophole, party B shall immediately notify party A.


Party B agrees to demonstrate its promoted website information on certain positions of www.guideinchina.com website and related page of wap website.

14. 乙方同意甲方可以为维护其“网络推广服务”管理账户为目的或在得到乙方通知后(该通知可以为电话、传真或邮件等方式),对乙方管理账户内信息进行查阅、调整、修改、更新。

Party B agrees that party A may, for the purpose of maintaining its administrative account of “Online Promotion Service” or after receiving notice (such notice may be in form of telephone, fax, email, etc.) from party B, inquire, adjust, modify or update party B’s management account.

15. 乙方如遭遇不可抗力事件,不得不终止“网络推广服务”,在乙方或其代理商向甲方提供书面证明后,甲方可以向乙方退回未消费完毕的“推广费”的余额但并不退还赠送的“推广费”。如非不可抗力事件情况下乙方要求终止“网络推广服务”,双方协商一致后可终止本合同,并退回未消费完毕的“推广费”的余额但并不退还赠送的“推广费”。

In case party B encounters any force majeure event, and has to terminate “Online Promotion Service”, after party B or its agent provides party A with a written certificate, party A may refund the balance of unconsumed “Promotion Fee” to party B but without refunding the given “Promotion Fee”. If party B requires termination of “Online Promotion Service” due to other causes than force majeure, this contract may be terminated upon consensus reached between the two parties through consultation, and the balance of unconsumed “Promotion Fee” shall be refunded, but the given “Promotion Fee” shall not be refunded.

16. 如乙方违反本合同规定的任何条款,甲方有权拒绝向乙方提供“网络推广服务”,并终止本合同,乙方或其代理商已支付的“推广费”不予退还,同时甲方有进一步追究乙方法律责任的权利。

If party B violates any clause stipulated in this contract, party A shall have the right to refuse to provide party B with “Online Promotion Service” and terminate this contract, the “Promotion Fee” already paid by party B or its agent shall not be refunded, meanwhile, party A shall reserve the right to hold party B accountable for further legal liabilities.

17. 乙方在每次续费前有义务再次认真阅读并确保完全理解当时的《深圳市四海汇聚科技有限公司广告推广服务合同》,在全部同意本合同所有条款后进行续费,乙方每次续费行为将视为已阅读并完全理解本合同最新版且承诺遵守约定。

Before each renewal, party B shall be obliged to carefully re-read and ensure complete understanding of the “Advertising Promotion Service Contract of HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.”, and execute renewal after fully consenting all the clauses of this contract, party B’s behavior of renewal at each time shall be deemed as party B having read and fully understands the latest edition of this contract and commitment to comply with the agreement.

18. 乙方有义务及时查阅并遵循其账户中公示的甲方系统通知及最新版本的《深圳市四海汇聚科技有限公司广告推广服务合同》及其他公布的政策等。

Party B shall be obliged to timely review and comply with the notices of party A’s system announcements in its account and the latest edition of the “Advertising Promotion Service Contract of HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.” and other policies released.

19. 当乙方可能涉嫌违反国家法律、法规、甲方规定推广政策的情况下,甲方有权提前5个工作日通知乙方终止 “网络推广服务”,甲方扣除赠送的“推广费”后向乙方退回未消费完毕的“推广费”余额,本合同终止,甲方无需承担其他法律责任和费用补偿。

In case party B is suspected to violate any national law, regulation, or party A’s promotion policy, party A shall have the right to notify party B of the termination of “Online Promotion Service” 5 working days in advance, party A shall refund the balance of unconsumed “Promotion Fee” to party B after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”, then this contract shall be terminated, party A shall not need to undertake other legal liabilities and compensation of fees.

七. 第三方投诉的解决
VII. Settlement of Third-party Disputes

1. 乙方推广行为违反《深圳市四海汇聚科技有限公司广告推广服务合同》的规定导致甲方受到第三方投诉(包括但不限于第三方以发函、媒体报道等形式指控甲方侵权、对甲方提起诉讼、向相关主管机关举报使甲方遭受审查或质询等),或使甲方面临相关主管机关的审查或质询,甲方有权将该广告图片、推广的网站信息以及推广网站链接等下线,停止针对该广告图片和/或网站的“网络推广服务”。在发生上述情况时,如甲方决定继续履行本合同,乙方应立即整改推广的网站信息和/或网站上涉嫌违规内容,并向甲方提供有效证明材料;如乙方在接到甲方通知后明确要求停止“网络推广服务”的,在乙方没有违反相关法律法规和/或本合同约定的前提下,甲方扣除赠送的“推广费”并向乙方退回未消费完毕的“推广费”余额,本合同终止,甲方无需承担其他法律责任和费用补偿。

If party B’s promotion behavior violates the “Advertising Promotion Service Contract of HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.” and causes party A to be subject to third-party complaint (including but not limited to that a third party uses the form of sending letter or media coverage, etc. to accuse party A of infringement, file lawsuit against party A, or report to the competent authorities, which causes party A to be subject to investigation or inquiry, etc.), or make party A face investigation or inquiry by the competent authorities, party A shall have the right to remove such advertising images, promoted website information and promoted website link, and stop the “Online Promotion Service” targeting such advertising images and/or website. In case of the circumstances above, if party A decides to continuously perform this contract, party B shall immediately correct the promoted website information and/or contents on the website suspected of violation, and provide party A with valid certificate or materials; if party B clearly requires suspension of “Online Promotion Service” after receiving the notice from party A, under the precondition that party B hasn’t violated the related laws and regulations and/or this contract, party A shall refund the balance of unconsumed “Promotion Fee” to party B after deducting the given “Promotion Fee”, then this contract shall be terminated, party A shall not need to undertake other legal liabilities and compensation of fees.

2. 乙方推广行为违反《深圳市四海汇聚科技有限公司广告推广服务合同》的规定导致甲方受到第三方投诉(包括但不限于第三方以发函、媒体报道等形式指控甲方侵权,对甲方提起诉讼,向相关主管机关举报使甲方遭受审查或质询等),或使甲方面临相关主管机关的审查或质询,乙方在收到甲方通知后应以自己名义出面与第三方协商、应诉或接受相关主管机关审查或质询,并承担所有费用(包括但不限于诉讼费、律师费、赔偿款),并赔偿因此给甲方造成的全部损失,甲方有权在乙方或其代理商已支付款项中抵扣上述费用和/或损失赔偿款,但抵扣后仍不能弥补甲方损失的,乙方还应赔偿损失。

If party B’s promotion behavior violates the “Advertising Promotion Service Contract of HiredChina Network Technology Co., Ltd.” and causes party A to be subject to third-party complaint (including but not limited to that a third party uses the form of sending letter or media coverage, etc. to accuse party A of infringement, file lawsuit against party A, or report to the competent authorities, which causes party A to be subject to investigation or inquiry, etc.), or make party A face investigation or inquiry by the competent authorities, party B shall, after receiving party A’s notice, consult with such third party in its own name, accept the lawsuit, or accept the investigation or inquiry by the competent authorities, and undertake all the expenses (including but not limited to litigation fee, lawyer fee, compensation), and compensate party A for all the losses incurred hereof, party A shall have the right to deduct the foresaid expenses and/or loss compensation from the previous payments by party B or its agent, but if the deduction is still insufficient to cover party A’s loss, party B shall also compensate for the losses.

八. 保密责任
VIII. Confidentiality Responsibility

1. 双方对因签订和/或履行本合同获得的对方的商业机密负有保密责任,不得以任何形式、任何理由透露给第三方,但依据双方书面约定、依据法律法规,或者依据司法和/或政府机关的要求进行披露的除外;否则,任何一方都有权利向对方请求损失赔偿,并依法追究法律责任。 

The two parties shall undertake confidentiality responsibility for the business secrets of the other party obtained due to signing and/or performance of this contract, and shall not disclose it to any third party in any form or in any excuse, unless it is disclosed based on written agreement between the two parties, according to laws or regulations, or as required by judicial and/or governmental agency; or else either party shall have the right to claim loss compensation from the other party, and hold the other party accountable for legal liabilities according to law.

2. 保密责任不因本合同的无效、提前终止、解除或不具操作性而失效。

Confidentiality responsibility shall not become invalid due to ineffectiveness, advance termination, cancellation or lack of operability of this contract.

九. 合同的修改和解释
IX. Modification and Interpretation of Contract

1. 甲方有权随时根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规的变化、互联网的发展以及公司经营状况和经营策略的调整等情况修改推广政策、认证政策及本合同的内容。客户同意政策、通知、合同额变更等事项自发布之日起生效,客户将自行及时查阅相关通知,并按照通知及变更后的产品政策及修订后的合同修订履行相关义务,如果客户不同意变更事项应当于公示3日内以书面形式向甲方申请终止本合同,客户继续使用变更后的服务视为接受变更内容。

Party A shall have the right to modify the promotion policy, authentication policy and contents of this contract at any time based on the change of laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, development of internet, operation situation of company, and adjustment of operating strategy. The client agrees that policy, notice, or change of contractual amount shall come into effect since the releasing date, the client shall actively and timely review the related notices, and perform the related obligations based on such notice, modified product policy and modified contract, if the client doesn’t agree to the changed policy, it shall notify party A in written form, within 3 days after the announcement, for termination of this contract, the client’s continuous use of changed service shall be deemed as its acceptance of changed contents.

2. 如发生合同条款与中华人民共和国法律相抵触时,则这些条款将完全按法律规定重新解释,其它条款则依旧保持对乙方产生法律效力和影响。

If any contractual clause is contradicting with any law of the People’s Republic of China, such clauses shall be completely re-interpreted according to law, the other clauses shall still maintain the legal effect and influence on party B.

十. 免责条款
X. Exception Clause

1. 对下列情形,甲方不承担任何责任:

For any of the following circumstances, party A shall not undertake any responsibility:

1) 并非由于甲方的故意或过失而导致网络推广服务未能注册成功;

Online promotion service couldn’t be successfully registered due to other reason than party A’s purposeful act or mistake;

2) 由于乙方或其代理商的故意或过失导致乙方遭受损失的;

Party B suffers loss due to any purposeful act or mistake by party B or its agent;

3) 由于甲方对网络推广服务系统进行系统测试、升级、更新、服务抽样测试,对乙方产生的任何影响。

Party B suffers any influence due to party A’s implementation of system test, upgrading, updating, service sampling test, etc. on the online promotion system.

2. 如果甲方违反本合同规定的义务,给乙方造成损失的,违约金和/或赔偿金的最高限额为乙方在甲方违约前最后一次为所涉及的网络推广账户续费实际支付的“推广费”。乙方未续费的,以首次支付的推广预付款为限额。

If party A violates any obligation set forth in this contract and causes any loss to party B, the maximum limit of penalty and/or compensation shall be equivalent to the “Promotion Fee” actually paid by party B for the last renewal of online promotion account before party A’s violation. If party B fails to implement renewal, the maximum limit shall be the advance payment for promotion paid for the first time.

十一. 争议解决
XI. Dispute Settlement

1. 本合同的生效、解释、执行、管辖、争议的解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。

The effect, interpretation, execution, jurisdiction and dispute settlement of this contract shall all be applicable to the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

2. 因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,双方同意将争议提交中国广州仲裁委员会,依据该会网络仲裁条款进行网络仲裁。

Any and all disputes incurred from or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to China Guangzhou Arbitration Commission as agreed between the two parties, and shall be arbitrated online according to the online arbitration clause of such commission.

十二. 生效
XII. Effect


This contract shall come into effect upon consent by party B or its agent.

XIII. Special Notes

1. 双方确认,本合同及其更新版本是甲乙双方签署的乙方享有“网络推广服务”的最终确定版本。乙方接受“网络推广服务”,则意味着同意并签署了本合同。如乙方签署的其他文件(包括但不限于乙方与其代理商签署的合同、乙方代理商与甲方签署的合同)中有关“网络推广服务”描述与本合同矛盾的,以本合同为准。(但推广续费金额另有约定的除外)

The two parties confirm that this contract and its latest edition is the finally confirmed edition of the “Online Promotion Service” for party B as signed between party A and party B. Party B’s acceptance of “Online Promotion Service” means party B’s consent and signing of this contract. If there is any conflict between any description relating to “Online Promotion Service” in other documents signed by party B (including but not limited to the contracts signed between party B and its agent, contracts signed between party B’s agent and party A) and this contract, it shall be in accordance with this contract. (Unless otherwise agreed regarding amount of promotion renewal)

2. 郑重提示:为您享有高效优质的服务,请务必仔细阅读并确保完全理解guideinchina推广服务频道下的“网络推广服务”有关条款。乙方明白任何人士和机构提供的文件中有关网络推广服务描述与甲方网上条款矛盾的,以本合同及其更新版本的内容为准。

Serious notes: in order to enable you to receive highly efficient and high-quality service, please carefully read and ensure full understanding of the related clauses of “Online Promotion Service” under the guideinchina promotion service channel. Party B understands that any conflict between any description relating to online promotion service in the documents provided by any person or institution and party A’s online clauses shall be in accordance with this contract and its updated edition.

3. 本合同所述通知方式为:甲方将以网络公示(地址为http:www.guideinchina.com)和/或guideinchina推广服务系统内部通知和/或电子邮件和/或电话等方式提前通知乙方或其代理商,通知乙方的,乙方获知该变更的日期以下述日期为准:网络公示之日起第3个工作日,电子邮件进入乙方邮件账户之日,电话接收之日。通知代理商的,以甲方和代理商之间的合同为准。任何情况下,乙方向甲方发出通知时,应当采用电子邮件和/或电话等方式提前通知甲方。甲方获知通知的日期同前。任何一方向对方发出通知,以多种方式通知的,对方获知日期以最早的获知日期为准。

The notification method stated in this contract is that: party A shall notify party B or its agent in advance in form of online announcement (address at http:www.guideinchina.com) and/or the internal announcement of guideinchina promotion service system and/or email and/or telephone, etc., as for notices to party B, the date when party B receives such change shall be in accordance with the following dates: the 3rd working day since the date of announcement online, the date when email enters party B’s email account, the date when telephone call is received. As for notices to agent, it shall be in accordance with the contract between party A and agent. Under any circumstance, when party B sends notices to party A, party B shall adopt email and/or telephone or other methods to notify party A in advance. The date for party A to receive notices shall be the same as above. For either party sending notice to the other party in multiple methods, the date for the other party to receive such notice shall be in accordance with the earliest date of receiving.

4. 本合同所有的中英文条款意思如有不同,一切以中文合同为准。

The whole text of the present Contract, as well as the documents derived from it, including those in the Annexes, have been written in Mandarin and English, both versions being deemed authentic, but for legal purposes the text in Mandarin is to be given priority of interpretation.